It all began with an idea! And a vision to rekindle a lost love…

Photographer, Cardiff, South Wales

Being creative was such a big part of my early life where I drew inspiration from my mother and grandmother. I love the arts and in particular surrealism. Being creative was something that I had drifted away from over the years, but I knew, in more recent years, I just had to get back to. On a trip to Australia, touring and visiting exhibitions, museums and galleries, my passion for the arts was reignighted and in a moment of inspiration I had a vision. I am proud to say I’m now living it! Mustard Fox as a name came from a sighting of a mustard coloured fox one Summer’s evening as my son and I were walking through meadows close to where we live. From then on, my young son insisted that every story I told him before bed included this mustard fox character, and so, this cult hero type character, between us, was born.